Case Results

Our reputation is based on the results we have achieved for our clients. Our firm has handled hundreds of cases. We pride ourselves on giving quality service to our clients, regardless of whether the case is large or small. Listed below are several of the actual verdicts and settlements achieved by our attorneys.

  • $2.95 Million

    for loss of a leg in a motorcycle accident

  • $1.70 Million

    for a truck crash killing a disabled woman’s husband

  • $1.68 Million

    for a death and fractured pelvis caused by an auto accident

  • $1.58 Million

    or burn injuries from a propane explosion

  • $1.50 Million

    for injuries and a death arising from an automobile accident

  • $1.40 Million

    for a truck crash that caused a disabling leg injury

  • $1.15 Million

    for an automobile accident that killed a child

  • $975,000

    for death caused by a tired trucker

  • $2.73 Million

    for reflex sympathetic dystrophy caused by a misplaced injection

  • $1.9 Million

    for RSD to hand from a fall at a store

  • $3.50 Million

    wrongful death caused by failure to diagnose a heart attack

  • $2.40 Million

    for wrongful death of a child due to a failure to diagnose a malrotation

  • $1.00 Million

    for failure to diagnose and treat sepsis causing wrongful death

  • $2.50 Million

    for cerebral palsy caused by birth trauma

  • $1.70 Million

    for failure to give antibiotics on a timely basis to a child with meningitis

  • $1.60 Million

    for failure to diagnose a stroke

  • $1.45 Million

    for blindness caused by delayed diagnosis

  • $1.30 Million

    for complex regional pain syndrome despite disputed liability

  • $1.25 Million

    for brain injury caused by failure to timely diagnose hydrocephalus

  • $1.20 Million

    for failure to diagnose meningitis

  • $1.10 Million

    for failure to give timely treatment for a stroke

  • $925,000

    for fused hip caused by misdiagnosis

  • $875,000

    for visual impairment caused by an unnecessary surgery

  • $750,000

    for failure to diagnose prostate cancer

  • $3.80 Million

    for a negligence claim

  • $1.58 Million

    for burn injuries from a propane explosion

  • $1.00 Million

    for injury to hand and back caused by negligent operation of a forklift

National class action involving 7,000 financial customers.

State class action involving false advertising to more than 30,000 customers.

Please note: Because each case is unique and the outcome of a case is dependent on many factors, your case outcome may be different than those we have listed. These examples do not constitute a guarantee of any recovery you might have in a personal injury claim.

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