Dog Bite Injury

The victim of a dog bite injury deserves help, and our firm stands ready to do just that. Whether the injured person is an adult or a child, the dog owner is responsible for an unprovoked bite. If you have been injured, our Michigan dog bite lawyers can consult with you at no cost. We’ll be focused on achieving the results your case demands. And you’ll never pay us a fee. We work on a contingency basis, meaning we keep a portion of the compensation.

Millions of people are injured by dogs every year, and Michigan provides strong protection for dog bite victims. Whether you were bitten in a public place, home or business, a dog owner can be responsible for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills

An experienced dog bite attorney understands how Michigan law imposes strict liability on the dog owner.This means owners are liable for damages even if they did not know the dog was vicious or if this was the first time the dog bit.

The dog was under someone else’s care.

The owner is still responsible, but this responsibility may be shared with the dog’s caretaker if the animal was not properly controlled or restrained. Landlords can also be held responsible if they knowingly leased property to the owners of vicious dogs.

I was injured by the dog of a friend or family member.

Let a skilled Michigan personal injury attorney handle this situation in a professional manner, while you focus on getting better. Goren, Goren, & Harris will provide the individualized attention and legal help you need.


Knowledgeable Dog Bite Injury Lawyers

The dog was provoked! This is the main defense when a dog causes harm. Our dog bite injury lawyers will be prepared for this argument and for dealing effectively with all parties involved. Though provocation of the animal is determined on a case-by-case basis, the law still tends to side with the victim in many instances.

Who pays in a dog bite case?

You may have concerns over who pays the compensation related to dog bite injuries, especially if the owners are friends or neighbors. In most cases, the money will not come from them. Generally these individuals will have insurance that pays for injuries suffered.

Has your firm been successful in dog bite cases?

Our attorneys are experts in dog bite law, personal injury cases and medical malpractice. We have helped hundreds of victims with their dog bite lawsuits and know how to skillfully negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation.

What if I need a dog bite injury lawyer?

Please complete the form on this page for a free consultation. Or call us now. We’re here to assist you.

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